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Our client had a systemic crane lifting problem.   They had 127 dropped objects in one year.  Our client brought us in to understand their dropped object incidents.  After studying their dropped object events, we developed 2 checklists based on the root causes of their drops.  We trained their crane operators on their use of the checklists.  The first year results lowered their dropped objects incidents by 70%!  The second year our success continued to lower their dropped objects by over 70%, again!

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Smith Bits

Our client contacted us to facilitate change to decrease their manufacturing defects of drill bits.  Our team facilitated the causes of their incidents and developed checklists to those mistakes.  With a proper rollout, the use of the checklists drove their incident rate to zero!   The VP stated ,"the improvement of our business reputation far outweighed the cost saved!"

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Our client had a systemic issue when transferring fluids from section of their drillship to another.  All LOPCs (Loss of Primary Containment) were caused by mistakes/errors.  Our team studied their failures and generated a checklist that trapped errors prior to moving fluids.  The drillship reported back in the first month of use, the checklist prevented 3 LOPCs within the first month

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